
United Nations (UN), the substitute for the failed LEAGUE OF NATIONS, was born in April 1945 out of the desire of over 50 Nations who gathered in San Francisco, California after mourning the devastating ruins of World War II, to draft and sign the UN Charter, thereby creating a new International organization hoped to prevent another world war occurrence.
Amongst other obligations, the UN was promulgated to maintain international peace and security, protect human rights, and uphold international laws. The Human rights laws include the UN 1948 Declaration, the European Convention on HR of 1950, the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights of 1981, and others.
The UN is meant to boost the observance of Laws of War like The Hague Convention of 1899 & 1907, the Geneva Convention of 1949, and the Additional Protocols.
In assessing the performance of the 75-year-old global umbrella for peace, especially with the contemporary attacks and invasions on innocent countries and individuals by over-towering states and state-sponsored terror groups, one would without struggle conclude that the UN can be scored below a reasonable percentage following its biased and partial judgments.
Noteworthy, despite the UN Arbitration panel that ruled against the Chinese in their claim of ownership of a large area of the southern sea as legally baseless, the UN still respects the Chinese claim of historic occupation of the areas claimed.
The question that follows is, why has the same UN refused to acknowledge the historic Jewish ownership of Jerusalem? Should that be seen as a fair act of an unbiased umpire formed to prevent crimes and wars?
The UN recognizes the fact that the rules of International armed conflict, even the UN Charter, prohibit wars of aggression but allow countries to DEFEND themselves yet, while nicknaming the US inversions of Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003 as JUST WAR, the UN treats the overt inversion of Ukraine by Russia with cuddling glove, and yet to intervene against the warrant of arrest illegally sought to be issued to the Israeli Prime minister by the ICC.
Where then is the right of Israel as a sovereign state?
The Rome Statute that established the International Criminal Court to prosecute crimes of war holds that INTENTIONAL attacks targeting civilians, civilian settlements, and humanitarian workers, the destruction of property where not militarily necessary, sexual violence, and unlawful deportation are war crimes.
Without a doubt, the HAMAS of Palestine has overtly breached these and other provisions especially as they know of Israel’s dedication to abiding by the laws that govern warfare. As a democratic state, Israel has consistently demonstrated its commitment to minimizing civilian casualties and adhering to these principles.
Hamas exploits Israel’s commitment to the laws of war while falsely touting its own.
Again, the UN is unfair in failing to protect the RIGHTS of individual Christians murdered in Nigeria, China, and other countries without even a voice. The UN has failed also to protect the RIGHT to self-defense embedded in Israel as a sovereign state.
The UN, as rightly pointed out by the Ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erda at the UN General Assembly summit, is “… spitting on the very values that were formulated to bind this organization”